I have no images to talk about the 25th anniversary of the terroristic attack in Bologna (maybe like i had no words when i was 12 and all of this happened): so i choose this one of a dead rail i did one month ago.

The Bologna massacre, also known in Italy as the "Strage di Bologna", was a terrorist bombing against the Central Station of Bologna, Italy on the morning of 2 August 1980, which killed 85 people ( ) and wounded more than 200.

The Italian government led by Francesco Cossiga and police authorities first considered the hypothesis of an accidental blast, then immediately tried to draw attention on the Italian based militant group Red Brigades as the possible authors of the bombing.

Attempts to divert and obstruct investigations very soon became evident. This gave rise to a number of conspiracy theories in relation with the so-called "Strategy of Tension".

A long, troubled and controversial court case and political issue ensued. The relatives of the victims formed an association (Associazione tra i famigliari delle vittime della strage alla stazione di Bologna del 2 agosto 1980) to raise and maintain civil awareness on the case. On 23 November 1995 the Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione) issued the final sentence:

- confirmation of life imprisonment to the Neo-Fascist terrorists Valerio Fioravanti and Francesca Mambro - who have always pleaded innocent - as executors of the attack

- sentence for investigation diversion to Licio Gelli (leader of Masonic P2 Lodge) , Francesco Pazienza and to SISMI (Italian Secret Services) officers Pietro Musumeci and Giuseppe Belmonte.

To date instigators and political inspirators behind the attack are still unknown.

P2 was the common name for the Italian Freemasonic lodge, "Propaganda Due". A list of adherents was found by the police in Gelli's house in Arezzo in march 1981, containing over 900 names, among which were very important state officers, a few politicians, and a number of military officers, many of them enrolled in the Italian secret services. Notably, the current Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was on the list, although he had not yet entered elective politics at the time. Another famous member was Victor Emmanuel, Prince of Naples, the current head of the House of Savoy.
A document was also found in the possession of Licio Gelli titled "Piano di Rinascita Democratica" (Democratic Rebirth Plan) which amounted to a declaration of the lodge's intent; essentially, Gelli's objectives were to form a new political and economical elite to lead Italy towards a more authoritarian form of democracy, in an anti-communist perspective.

It is also alleged that the P2 lodge was responsible for the 'Italicus' train bombing of 1974, in which 12 people were killed.

The lodge was then examined by a special commission of the Italian Parliament, directed by Tina Anselmi of the Democrazia Cristiana. The conclusion of the commission was that it was a secret criminal organization.

It became the target of considerable attention in the wake of the collapse of Banco Ambrosiano (one of Milan's principal banks), and the suspicious 1982 death of its president Roberto Calvi in London, initially ruled a suicide but later prosecuted as a murder.
Roberto Calvi was an Italian banker, involved with the powerful masonic lodge P2, known to the press as "God's Banker", because of his close association with the Vatican.

He fled Italy after one of the country's largest private banks, Banco Ambrosiano, went bankrupt under his chairmanship with debts (according to various sources) of between 700 million and 1.5 billion dollars. Much of the money had been siphoned off via the Vatican Bank (during Wojtyla's mandate), the Istituto per le Opere Religiose (Institute of Religious Works) or IOR.

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The long and bloody italian history has perfectly demonstrated how terrorism could be used for political purpose.

{ Non la traduco in italiano perchè "mi meraviglierei" che gli italioti ignorino questi fatti. MA I FATTI DIMOSTRANO IL CONTRARIO.}

Premier Silvio Berlusconi recently (July 2005) said a possible terror attack looms over us, but we're doing everything we can through our secret services. We are on maximum alert. The prime minister urged cooperation with moderate Muslims. He also said that having troops in Iraq had nothing to do with the threat of a terror attack in Italy and that countries that didn't have troops there had also been attacked.

[kid koma]